
Navigating Board Certification & Beyond with Pierce Mortuary Colleges
At Pierce Mortuary Colleges, we provide extensive support to our students throughout their academic journey, particularly in preparing for and succeeding in board certification exams. Our approach encompasses a blend of academic, financial, and personal support...
Pierce Mortuary Colleges: Prepping funeral industry leaders in the 21st Century
James E. Samels is president and CEO of The Education Alliance and senior partner in the law firm Samels Associates. Arlene Lieberman is senior...
National Funeral Director & Mortician Recognition Day
March 11th is National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day. It is a day set aside by Congress in 2008, “to pay tribute to funeral...
Live Webcast – ICCFA Cremation Certification
December 11, 2019 Live, interactive cremation certification training. In addition to the ICCFA Operator Certification, Pierce Mortuary Colleges also...
Navigating Board Certification & Beyond with Pierce Mortuary Colleges
At Pierce Mortuary Colleges, we provide extensive support to our students throughout their academic journey, particularly in preparing for and...
A History of the Hearse: Honoring the Departed with Dignity
At Pierce Mortuary Colleges, we take pride in educating the next generation of funeral service professionals. As part of our commitment to promoting...
The Growing Death Care Industry: A Beacon of Job and Career Stability
The death care industry, often overlooked in mainstream discussions, is undergoing significant growth, offering an increasing number of job...
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