Oct 11, 2019

The CustomerME! Mindset — Workshop for Students

Students at Pierce Mortuary Colleges are getting SOAR! Certified!
 John T. McQueen, CFSP
Customer Experience Trainer

When: November 18, 2019 (8:am – 12:30 pm CST)
Where: Dallas Institute of Funeral Service, 3909 South Buckner Blvd.,Dallas, Texas

When: November 19, 2019  (8:am – 12:30 pm EST)
Where: Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service, 5141 Snapfinger Woods Drive, Decatur, GA

When: November 26, 2019 (8:am – 12:30 pm EST)
Where: Mid-America College of Funeral Service, 3111 Hamburg Pike, Jeffersonville, Indiana

As the Baby Boom generation continues to decline, you would think traditional funeral service would be celebrating its resurgence.  Yet, it is not.  It’s becoming more difficult to compete in the marketplace as new competitors enter the landscape.  The need to differentiate yourself from others is more profound today than ever before.

Funeral professionals must focus on providing exemplary customer experiences if they want to maintain or gain market share.  As the abundance of information available continues to grow and funeral products continue to become commoditized, the real value to families lies not only in our ability to articulate what makes one firm superior to another, but more importantly in our ability to deliver on it.

The CustomerME! Mindset will prepare you for the challenges you will face each day.  Using the SOAR! Principle for success, you’ll be effectively-prepared to exceed the expectations of the customers you are privileged to serve.  In turn, you’ll earn increased referrals, enhanced revenues to your company, and ultimately more money in your pocket.  A side effect of living the SOAR Principle is you will be instrumental in creating a workplace of choice, which will result in the recruiting of top-notch talent, like you.

Setting yourself apart from the competition begins upon graduation.  Therefore, at the conclusion of the workshop, you will be awarded a certificate showing that you are SOAR! Certified.

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