Tuition Installment Plan (TIP)

Pierce Mortuary Colleges is pleased to offer enrolled students, at the College, a Tuition Installment Plan (TIP). The Tuition Installment Plan is a service to the student, allowing the student to finance education over the period of a quarter throughout their academic year. The TIP is interest free making budgeting the cost of your education easier. Late charges may be added to the student’s account if the student misses the deadline of payment dates. If payments are made as scheduled, there will be no additional costs to the student. The payment schedule calculates the balance remaining after guaranteed funding is applied; financial aid funds (such as loans, grants, scholarships, etc.) are recognized as payments toward the payment plan. Any balance remaining after all guaranteed funds have been paid MUST be set up on the installment plan. Only students in good standing and with a zero balance for the current quarter are eligible to enroll in an installment plan. Students may prepay, without penalty, on their Tuition Installment Plan. Adjustments may be made on future payments

The payment schedule is based on a division of the quarter’s tuition into three installments. If a student will not be receiving any financial aid, the first installment will be due on the first day of classes for that quarter. Those students receiving financial aid (Pell Grant, Direct Loans, and/or FSEOG) or any other guaranteed payments (VA, scholarships, tuition reimbursement, etc.) will be required to pay the balance of direct charges minus all guaranteed funding of the academic year over the, up to, three terms per academic year. Please contact the registrar for questions regarding this program,

Payments for the Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) may be made online.

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