Financial Aid

Applying For Federal Student Aid

Types of Financial Aid



Additional Financial Aid Opportunities

Cost of Attendance

Forms and Applications

Return to Title iv

Applying for Federal Student Aid

Applying for Federal Student Aid (FSA) will be one of the first steps in preparing for your college experience. Eligibility for Federal Student Aid will be established when completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Other sources of financial aid may be determined by other eligibility requirements. For information on professional judgements, please click here:

Step 1

Create a FSA ID & Password

Required to sign the FAFSA and access FSA websites

Step 2

Complete the FAFSA

Determines eligibility for FSA.
FAFSA School Code: 010618

Step 3

Complete Direct Loan MPN and Entrance Counseling

Required for students requesting loans

Support Videos

What is financial aid?

Federal, state, institutional, and private fund sources used to assist eligible students in funding their education. Financial aid can be a mixture of scholarships, grants, loans, veterans’ educational benefits, tuition reimbursement, etc.

Scholarships and grants are classified as “free money” and the student will not be required to repay these funds. Loans are classified as a “self-help” aid and the student will be required to repay loan balances when you become enrolled less than half time or you graduate. Other sources of aid may have specific requirements associated to applying and using these towards your education.

What is the Academic Year Definition?

Mid-America College of Funeral Service’s academic year definition is 36 quarter credit hours in 33 weeks.

Don’t Forget Constitution Day! – September 17th

A provision in Section 111 of Division J of Pub. L. 108-447, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005,” Dec. 8, 2004; 118 Stat. 2809, 3344-45, requires “educational institutions” that receive Federal funds to hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on or around September 17, “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day,” of each year for the students served by the educational institution.

Because many of our students receive Federal Aid, we would like for them to visit the site below to learn more about the Constitution, our country’s founding document. 

Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s degree and who possess financial need as determined by the FAFSA. All students meeting eligibility are offered Federal Pell Grant.


  • You must have a qualifying Expected Family Contribution (EFC) – see FAFSA
  • Recipients must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (see Catalog and Handbook)
  • You are limited to receive eighteen (18) terms at full-time enrollment
  • Award eligibility varies based on enrollment status.

Helpful Websites

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

Am I eligible to receive FSEOG funds?

  • You must complete a FAFSA for the award year you are enrolled/ing in
  • There is a new FAFSA annually starting the 1st of July
  • FAFSA award years are from July 1st – June 30th
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • You must be enrolled at least half-time in your program of study (undergraduate program)
  • You must demonstrate exceptional financial need
  • You must not have a bachelor’s or a professional degree
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress

If I am eligible for FSEOG funds, how much am I eligible to receive?

You may receive up to $200.00 per quarter, depending on the following:

  • Your financial need
  • When you apply (complete FAFSA)
  • The amount of other aid awarded
  • Availability of funds at Mid-America College of Funeral Service

What is the application process?

To receive FSEOG funds, you must file a FAFSA as part of the application process. Students who receive Federal Pell Grants and have the most need will receive FSEOG funds first. Mid-America College of Funeral Service receives a certain amount of FSEOG funds each year from the U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid.

FSEOG funds are limited; meeting the criteria is not a guarantee that you will receive this grant.

Helpful Websites

Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) Higher Education Grant

The BIA Higher Education Grant is a federal grant program for Native American students.


  • Must be a member of, or at least one-quarter degree Indian blood descendent of a member of an American Indian tribe which is eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States through the Bureau of Indian Affairs because of their status as Indians. See the Tribal Leaders Directory at the following website:
  • Must be accepted for admission to a nationally accredited institution of higher education that provides a course of study conferring the Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts or science degree.
  • Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the financial aid officer of the collegiate institution.

Helpful Websites


Direct Subsidized


The Direct Subsidized Loan is awarded based on your financial need. You will not be charged interest prior to repayment or during authorized periods of deferment. During deferment, the federal government pays your interest on the loan until the time of your repayment. Payment is automatically deferred until you are no longer enrolled at least half-time. When you are no longer enrolled at least half-time, a six (6) month grace period begins prior to entering repayment.

Disbursements made on or after July 1st, 2012, and before July 1st, 2014 are not eligible for an interest subsidy during the six month grace period prior to entering repayment, and interest will accrue during this time period. Disbursements on or after July 1st, 2014, are eligible for an interest subsidy during the six (6) month grace period, and interest will not accrue during this time period.



  • You demonstrate financial need determined by the FAFSA
  • You are enrolled at least half-time at Mid-America College of Funeral Service
  • You must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • You do not exceed annual or lifetime aggregate loan limits – see Direct Loan Limits
  • You may not have received Direct Subsidized Loans for more than 150% of the length of your academic program
    • Applicable to borrowers receiving their first disbursement on or after July 1st, 2013

Award eligibility varies based on enrollment status and dependency status.

Interest Rates

Loan interest rates may be found, here.

Origination Fees

Origination fees may be found, here.

Helpful Websites

Direct Unsubsidized


The Direct Unsubsidized Loan is awarded based on your financial need. You will not be charged interest prior to repayment or during authorized periods of deferment. During deferment, the federal government pays your interest on the loan until the time of your repayment. Payment is automatically deferred until you are no longer enrolled at least half-time. When you are no longer enrolled at least half-time, a six (6) month grace period begins prior to entering repayment.

Disbursements made on or after July 1st, 2012, and before July 1st, 2014 are not eligible for an interest subsidy during the six month grace period prior to entering repayment, and interest will accrue during this time period. Disbursements on or after July 1st, 2014, are eligible for an interest subsidy during the six (6) month grace period, and interest will not accrue during this time period.



  • You demonstrate financial need determined by the FAFSA
  • You are enrolled at least half-time at Mid-America College of Funeral Service
  • You must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • You do not exceed annual or lifetime aggregate loan limits – see Direct Loan Limits
  • You may not have received Direct Subsidized Loans for more than 150% of the length of your academic program
    • Applicable to borrowers receiving their first disbursement on or after July 1st, 2013

Award eligibility varies based on enrollment status and dependency status.

Interest Rates

Loan interest rates may be found, here.

Origination Fees

Origination fees may be found, here.

Helpful Websites

Student Aid
Repayment Estimator

Direct Annual Loan Limits

Dependent Students*
Grade Level Maximum Direct Subsidized Eligibility Annual Direct Loan Eligibility
(Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans combined)
1st Year – Undergraduate $3,500 $5,500
2nd Year – Undergraduate $4,500 $6,500
3rd Year – Undergraduate
(Bachelor’s students only)
$5,500 $7,500


Independent Students**
Grade Level Maximum Direct Subsidized Eligibility Annual Direct Loan Eligibility
(both Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans combined)
1st Year – Undergraduate $3,500 $9,500
2nd Year – Undergraduate $4,500 $10,500
3rd Year – Undergraduate
(Bachelor’s students only)
$5,500 $12,500

* Except students whose parents are unable to obtain PLUS Loans
** Includes dependent students whose parents are unable to obtain PLUS Loans

Helpful Websites

Direct Aggregate Loan Limits

Undergraduate Dependent Students*
Direct Subsidized Direct Loans (Subsidized and Unsusidized Loans combined)
$23,000.00 $31,000.00
Undergraduate Independent Students**
Direct Subsidized Direct Loans (both Subsidized and Unsusidized Loans combined)
$23,000.00 $57,500.00

* Except students whose parents are unable to obtain PLUS Loans
** Includes dependent students whose parents are unable to obtain PLUS Loans

Helpful Websites

Student Aid

Direct PLUS Loans

The Direct Parent Loan (PLUS) is available to the parents of dependent, undergraduate students. The parent may borrow up to the Cost of Attendance (COA) (excluding any other federal student aid). All funds are received electronically and will be posted to the student’s account to pay for authorized tuition and fees. Completing the FAFSA is required.


  • Your child must be attending at least half-time
  • Your child must be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • You must have a good credit history
  • You must not have defaulted on any previous student or parent loans
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen
  • Your child must have completed the FAFSA

Award eligibility varies based on enrollment status.

Interest Rates

Loan interest rates may be found, here.

Origination Fees

Origination fees may be found, here.


  • Your Direct PLUS Loan enters repayment once your loan is fully disbursed
  • Your Direct PLUS Loan may be deferred until the student falls below half-time enrollment or graduates
  • The standard repayment option is up to 10 years – contact your lender to discuss repayment options


The Federal Direct PLUS Loan Application is available here.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans are based on your credit. To apply:

1.    Login to
2.    Sign in using your FSA ID
3.    Select “Apply for a PLUS Loan”
4.    Select “Complete PLUS Request for Parents” under “Direct PLUS Loan Request for Parent Borrowers”
5.    Follow the application and submit

If you are approved for the PLUS based on credit, please complete the PLUS MPN for Parents under the “Complete a Master Promissory Note” on the welcome page after logging into

Helpful Websites

Student Aid

Additional Financial Aid Opportunities

Mid-America College of Funeral Service


  • Scholarships
  • The following videos may assist you with the types of aid and understanding Federal Student Aid.

Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of what it will cost a typical student to attend Mid-America College of Funeral Service. Your COA will cover both your college tuition and your basic living expenses. When comparing financial aid packages with other schools, ensure you are comparing the total cost of attending that school, not just the financial aid awarded. It will be important for you to budget and decide how you want to use your funds you receive. Students will not be allowed to receive aid exceeding their COA.

Associate of Applied Science On Ground (OG) and Distance Learning (DL); Bachelor of Science Degree (FSBS) On Ground (OG) and Distance Learning (DL)


Tuition and fees may be found, here; tuition and fees may vary by student depending on courses taken and other aspects.

Associates Resident or Non-Resident* Resident or Non-Resident (living w/parents)*
Tuition & Fees $12,000.00 (OG) / $13,500.00 (DL) $12,000.00 (OG) / $13,500.00 (DL)
Books & Supplies $0.00 $0.00
Room & Board $6,483.00 $3,245.00
Travel Expenses $760.00 $760.00
Personal Expenses $3,184.00 $1,596.00
Other Monthly Expenses $0.00 $0.00
Total $22,427.00 (OG) / $23,927.00 (DL) $17,601.00 (OG) / $19,101.00 (DL)

*Amounts are based on 12 or more credits per quarter at Mid-America College of Funeral Service. Costs in table are per financial aid academic year. Costs may vary per student. Adjustments may occur during enrollment.

Bachelor of Funeral Service Management (BFSM)

Associates Resident or Non-Resident* Resident or Non-Resident (living w/parents)*
Tuition & Fees $13,500.00 $13,500.00
Books & Supplies $0.00 $0.00
Room & Board $6,483.00 $3,245.00
Travel Expenses $760.00 $760.00
Personal Expenses $3,184.00 $1,596.00
Other Monthly Expenses $0.00 $0.00
Total $23,927.00 $19,101.00

*Amounts are based on 12 or more credits per quarter at Mid-America College of Funeral Service. Costs in table are per financial aid academic year. Costs may vary per student. Adjustments may occur during enrollment.

Applying for Financial Aid

Direct Loans

Required forms and applications to gain eligibility for student direct loans

Direct PLUS Loans

Required forms and applications to gain eligibility for parent PLUS loan


If you are selected for verification, print and complete the appropriate verification worksheet. If you do not know which form you need to complete, talk to the financial aid office.

Return to Title IV

The return of Title IV (R2T4) funds is administered by the Financial Aid Department. This policy applies to students who withdraw or are dismissed from their enrollment at Mid-America College of Funeral Service. Students may still owe funds to the College to cover unpaid institutional charges. The College may also attempt to request and receive from the student, any Title IV program funds that the school was required to return. The calculated amount of the R2T4 funds that is required for students, are determined by following definitions and procedures imposed by regulation.

The College has 45 days from the date the College determines (date of determination) that the student withdrew to return all unearned funds for which it is responsible. The College is required to notify the student if they owe a repayment via written notice. The College must advise the student (or parent) that they have 14 calendar days from the date the College sent the notification to accept a post-withdrawal disbursement (PWD). If a response is not received from the student (or parent) within the permitted time frame or the student declines the funds, the school will return any earned funds that the College is holding to the Title IV programs. Post-withdrawal disbursements must occur within 120 days of the date the student withdrew.

R2T4 regulation does not dictate the institutional refund policy, however. The calculation of Title IV funds earned by the student has no relationship to the student’s incurred institutional charges.

Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that they will attend school for the entire quarter in which financial aid is awarded. When a student withdraws from all their courses, for any reason including medical withdrawals, they may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that they were originally scheduled to receive.

The College is required to determine the earned and unearned Title IV aid as of the date the student ceased attendance based on the amount of time the student was scheduled to be in attendance.

If the student withdraws from all of their courses prior to completing over 60% of the quarter, they may be required to repay a portion of the federal financial aid that they received for that quarter. A pro rata schedule is used to determine the amount of federal student aid funds they will have earned at the time of the withdrawal. Federal aid includes Federal Direct Loan (subsidized and unsubsidized), Parent Plus Loan, Graduate PLUS Loan, Pell Grants, SEOG Grants, and any other Title IV funds.

The return of funds is based upon the concept that students earn their financial aid in proportion to the amount of time in which they are enrolled. Under this reasoning, a student who withdraws in the third week of classes has earned less of their financial aid than a student who withdraws in the fifth week. Once 60% of the quarter is completed, a student is considered to have earned all of his financial aid and will not be required to return any funds.

Order of Return of TIV

If Title IV funds are required to be returned, they are based on the following order of return:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  • Subsidized Direct Loan
  • Direct PLUS Loan
  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants
  • Other TIV Programs